A Moment With

A Moment with the Manager – Always Forward

By: Natalie M. Zeigler
City Manager

2017 is coming to an end. It has been another year of change and growth. Despite challenges, we celebrate more victories and progress. As a community we continue to define Hartsville as a premiere small southern city. The City continues to better serve the needs of residents while creating more incentives for visitors and new business to our area. We’re reflecting on all that we have accomplished, together, and looking forward to what’s next in […]

December 28th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – Always Forward

A Moment with the Manager – Staying Connected

By: Natalie M. Zeigler
City Manager

A great deal of work goes into creating and maintaining lines of communications between citizens and those that serve. How the City conveys useful information is a common concern I hear voiced by residents. The Internet is, of course, a vital tool. The City of Hartsville has a strong online presence with social media pages for many of our major departments. At our interactive website–www.hartsvillesc.gov–residents can find helpful details, from setting up a utility account […]

December 7th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – Staying Connected

A Moment with the Manager – A Moment of Thanks

By: Natalie M. Zeigler
City Manager

It’s a season of gratitude. This week families gather together to celebrate all for which they have to be thankful. I am encouraged to do the same. Often times I think it’s easier for us to dwell on the negative, to only consider what we don’t have. There is always room for improvement, and striving for better is noble. I also believe it is important to look at what is around us and to compare […]

November 21st, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – A Moment of Thanks

A Moment with Manager – Hartsville Comes Alive With Holiday Cheer

November has arrived! We’ve said goodbye to ghouls and goblins and hello to the start of the holiday season. Over the next few weeks Hartsville will come alive with festivities for residents and visitors. On behalf of the City, I welcome everyone to come join the events we have scheduled and revel in the holiday spirit.

The Hartsville for the Holidays season kicks off Thursday, November 16th, from 6pm to 9pm with the Downtown Holiday Open House and Centennial Tree […]

November 9th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with Manager – Hartsville Comes Alive With Holiday Cheer

A Moment with the Marketing and Events Coordinator

People often have the misconception that small cities have nothing going on, but that’s not the case for Hartsville. The number of events and activities we host make our city a premiere destination in the region. Tourism is booming. Downtown is bustling, and there is always something going on.

A few weeks ago, the City of Hartsville held a special drive-in movie night at Byerly Park. The event attracted a big crowd and brought visitors from as far as Florence, […]

October 27th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Marketing and Events Coordinator

A Moment with the Manager – Fall for Hartsville Happenings

By: Natalie M. Zeigler
City Manger

When talking about the growth of Hartsville, having too much to do is a good problem to have. October starts one of the busiest seasons in the city. There is a lot to look forward to this month.

Tomorrow—October 14—is the Fall for Hartsville Farmers Market. A portion of East Carolina Avenue will be blocked off starting at 9am for a combined event featuring produce vendors, artisan crafts, and Loop Da Vile. Next week, Thursday, October […]

October 13th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – Fall for Hartsville Happenings

A Moment with the Manager – Hartsville, your hometown

By: Natalie M. Zeigler
City Manager

For many, Hartsville is their hometown or will become their adopted hometown. Creating a hometown mentality and a quality of life for residents, is essential for the sustainability of Hartsville. Through Hartsville’s treasures and City sponsored events and programs, memories can be created for residents and families.

When school aged groups, as well as, other community groups frequent City Hall to learn about local government, staff and I always ask one question: “If you could change […]

September 1st, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – Hartsville, your hometown

A Moment with the Manager – Shared responsibilities create beautiful communities

By: Russell Slatton
Public Services Director

One of the main services that our City provides to residents is its public services: water, trash, and sewer. Although it is the Public Services department’s responsibility to ensure that trash is collected on time, city water is running, and storm drains are clear of debris, it is a shared responsibility with residents to keep our community clean and beautiful.

Our department has conducted extensive research and trial runs into the efficiency of a better collection […]

August 18th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – Shared responsibilities create beautiful communities

A Moment with the Manager – Positive minds forge positive changes for communities

By: Natalie M. Zeigler
City Manager

I have been thinking a lot lately about how our words affect others. What we say matters, and often we forget how our comments can have negative impacts on members of our shared community. I think it is important now – more than ever – to extend grace to others, even if we may have differing opinions.

Everyone wants to feel as though they are being heard, and in a community, it is critical that people […]

August 4th, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with the Manager – Positive minds forge positive changes for communities

A Moment with Chief Thompson

This week our city hosted a ribbon-cutting event for the new office space of the Hartsville Safe Communities program, located at 710-H S. Fifth St. At the event, citizens had the opportunity to meet with members of the Hartsville Police Department and our Community Outreach Division. Manned by Lt. Tenyonde Richardson and the Community Liaison Officer, Jacqueline Gillard-Wright, Hartsville Safe Communities aims to put a face to law enforcement in the area and continue forging positive relationships between the […]

July 21st, 2017|A Moment With, News|Comments Off on A Moment with Chief Thompson