Independence Day is this week and the Hartsville Fire Department wants to be sure everyone stays safe and has a good time celebrating.

Fireworks are legal in South Carolina, but cannot be sold to anyone younger than 16 years of age. If you do choose to use consumer fireworks over the holiday, the Hartsville Fire Department suggests these safety tips:


  • Fireworks are legal in Hartsville City Limits, however, they cannot be discharged after 10 pm due to our noise ordinances. You can contact the Hartsville Police Department at 843.383.3014 or the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office at 843.398.4501 if you have any questions about the laws where you live.
  • The weather in Hartsville should be good this week, but always be aware of local weather conditions when using fireworks. Dry weather makes it easier for fireworks to start a fire.
  • Only buy from permitted fireworks retailers.
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place.
  • Keep a garden hose on hand.
  • Always have an adult present when shooting fireworks.
  • Use common sense. Always read and follow the directions on each firework.
  • Only use fireworks outdoors in clear, open areas, away from homes, dry grass or brush, and trees.
  • Ensure people and pets are out of range before lighting fireworks.
  • Light one firework at a time and keep a safe distance. Use eye protection when lighting fireworks.
  • Put used fireworks in a bucket of water.


  • Point or throw fireworks at another person.
  • Re-ignite malfunctioning fireworks.
  • Experiment or attempt to make your own fireworks.
  • Give fireworks to small children.
  • Carry fireworks in your pocket.
  • Shoot fireworks from metal or glass containers.
  • Place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Back up to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.

As always, please call 911 immediately if the case of an emergency.