As winter, and possible icy conditions move into the area, the City of Hartsville would like to share important contact information to report any issues that may arise. Your safety is our priority, and these resources are here to assist you during inclement weather please call:
NON-EMERGENCY road blockages or weather related safety issues: 843.398.4920
City of Hartsville water/utility issues: 843.383.3006
Duke Power Outages: 1.800.769.3766
Updates will be made here and on our Facebook Page
- UPDATE: 01/22/2025 – 8:45 AM
- Barricades are being placed on Lakeview Boulevard, from E. Lake Drive to Lakeview Boulevard, due to hazardous conditions caused by a solid sheet of ice. PLEASE AVOID AREA
- UPDATE: 01/21/2025 – 7:00 AM
- Notice:
Sanitation services will not run today due to road conditions. Today’s route will be picked up tomorrow (Thursday).Additionally, yard waste will not be picked up tomorrow but will be collected next Thursday (Thursday, January 29th, 2024).Thank you for your patience!
- Notice:
- UPDATE: 01/21/2025 – 8:44 PM
- Roads are becoming increasingly hazardous. Exercise caution and avoid driving if possible.