The time between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day has been named the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer and it is the time of the year when more accidents occur.  During summer months, traveling greatly increases and more drivers are out and about.  The Hartsville Police Department would like for everyone to enjoy their well-deserved vacation, but wants to remind you to be safe while traveling.  Here are some tips to make sure everyone makes it home safely.

  • Avoid distracted driving (no texting, checking emails, etc.).
  • Parents, speak with your teenagers about texting and driving and discourage all distracted driving.
  • Wear your safety belt and make sure your passengers do the same.
  • Make sure children are in the appropriate child restraint and secured properly.
  • Obey the speed limit and slow down during inclement weather.
  • Be extra cautious in construction zones, be prepared to stop, and watch out for workers.
  • If you encounter a law enforcement officer or first responder, please move over to give them room to do their jobs safely.
  • Maintain a safe distance behind other drivers so you have time to stop safely. A good way to judge and measure a safe distance for following another vehicle is to stay at least three seconds behind the car in front of you.  To measure, start counting when the car in front of you passes a fixed object.  It should be three seconds before you pass the fixed object you used for measurement.  It takes a driver who is paying close attention half that time to react to a hazard in the roadway.
  • Be prepared to react safely when aggressive drivers approach.
  • If you decide to have a drink, drink responsibly and have a designated driver. Before you drink, give your keys to someone who is designated as your sober driver.
  • If you’re taking medication, check with your physician to see if it will impair your ability to drive.
  • If you observe a reckless or impaired driver, please call 911 or *HP (*47) immediately.

Again, HPD wants everyone to enjoy their summer break.  To make sure everyone gets home safely we will continue our use of public safety checkpoints, aggressive DUI enforcement and participation in the Buckle Up South Carolina campaign.  Our DUI officer will continue working peak hours to stop impaired drivers.