In preparation for Hurricane Florence, the City of Hartsville Sanitation Department has issued updates to the current sanitation schedule.

Garbage and recycling for Thursday, September 13th will be collected on Wednesday, September 12th. Please remove carts from the curb as soon as possible. Empty and unsecured carts can become a missile in high wind conditions. Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s garbage and recycling will be collected on their regular schedule.

Residents should refrain from placing any new yard debris curbside. Our crews are working diligently to remove as much debris as possible to keep roadways and drains cleared.

Commercial customers will be serviced through Wednesday. After Wednesday, commercial customers will be serviced as conditions allow us to operate safely.

All residents are encouraged to download the Hartsville Sanitation app,  for mobile devices, to receive  reminders and notifications concerning sanitation services. Residents may also sign up for phone call, text, or email reminders and notifications on the City’s website at  .

As always, if you have any questions, please call the Sanitation Office at 843-383-3019.
