Council Chambers

This calendar is for official City of Hartsville meetings and events. For community events, please visit

Brownfield Community Meeting

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

Please join us to discuss use of our Brownfield Grant on Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 5:30 PM in Council Chambers inside City Hall. The EPA’s Brownfields Program is designed to empower communities to work together to assess, clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields. A brownfield site is real property whose redevelopment may be complicated by the presence of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. This program provides financial assistance to eligible applicants through various competitive grant programs, including Assessment Grants, […]

Architectural Review Board

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

The Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviews plans for construction and demolitions to ensure the level of quality of all projects within the Design Overlay, B-1, and Historic Districts; reviews and recommends to city council historic properties designations. ARB meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers (100 East Carolina Avenue). Items for consideration on the ARB Agenda should be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Department one week prior to the meeting.  Find […]

Planning Commission

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

The Planning Commission is responsible for a continuing planning program for the physical, social, and economic growth, development, and redevelopment of the city. They meet the last Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. Find the agenda here.

Event Series City Council Work Session

City Council Work Session

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

City Council Work Sessions, which are used for discussion only, are scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall, an accessible facility. Find the agenda here.

City Council Regular Meeting

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

City Council Regular Meetings are scheduled, unless otherwise announced or noted, on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall, an accessible facility. Find the agenda here.

Architectural Review Board

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

The Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviews plans for construction and demolitions to ensure the level of quality of all projects within the Design Overlay, B-1, and Historic Districts; reviews and recommends to city council historic properties designations. ARB meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers (100 East Carolina Avenue). Items for consideration on the ARB Agenda should be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Department one week prior to the meeting.  Find […]

Planning Commission

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

The Planning Commission is responsible for a continuing planning program for the physical, social, and economic growth, development, and redevelopment of the city. They meet the last Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. Find the agenda here.

Event Series City Council Work Session

City Council Work Session

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

City Council Work Sessions, which are used for discussion only, are scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall, an accessible facility. Find the agenda here.

City Council Regular Meeting

Council Chambers 100 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC, United States

City Council Regular Meetings are scheduled, unless otherwise announced or noted, on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall, an accessible facility. Find the agenda here.

This calendar is for official City of Hartsville meetings and events. For community events, please visit