Use the online form below to apply for a new City of Hartsville business license. This form is also available as a downloadable PDF file.

If you already have a business license and would like to apply to renew, please visit the Business License Renewal Application.

Feel free to contact our Licensing and Permits department at or 843-383-3015 and press option 4 if you have any questions.

Business License Application

Business Information

The business' legal name.
The "trade name" of the business that's shown to the public.
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Fax Number
How many vehicles do you expect to have working in the City?
Where is the work being performed?
Please enter a short explanation of the business' activities.
Enter an estimated annual revenue value in $USD for the business. If the business is non-resident, only include gross receipts for the City of Hartsville

NAICS Code Information

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

Visit the US Census website to lookup the NAICS code for your business. Return to this page to enter the code.

Enter the NAICS code for your business type.
Also known as an FEID or Tax ID number.
Where applicable.

Contractor Business Details

Enter the following information specific to contractor's when applicable.
A brief description of the work to be performed.

Salon or Barber Business Details

Place of Amusement Business Details

Other Contact Information

Enter the business' contact person's information if different from the above.
First (given) name.
Last (surname) name.

Owner or Principal(s) Information

The National Minority Supplier Diversity Council lists the following as criteria for women and minority-owned businesses:

  1. United States citizens.
  2. Must be at least 51% minority-owned operated and controlled.
  3. Must be located in the U. S. or its territories.
  4. Management and daily operations must be exercised by the minority ownership member(s).

More information is available from and

Please select all that apply to describe the majority business ownership.
First name (given name)
Last name (surname)
Social Security Number
Driver's License Number
The state which issued the driver's license.
The license's expiration date.
First name (given name)
Last name (surname)
Social Security Number
Driver's License Number
The state which issued the driver's license.
The license's expiration date.


By checking the box below, I acknowledge that:

  1. I understand that all applications for Business Licenses are subject to applicable City Codes and Ordinances.
  2. I understand that all information on this application, including any attachments, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Check "Yes" to indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to the above.

Applicant Certification
